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This web site uses cookies in a number of ways which are as follows:
Aggregated Site Usage Statistics
Cookies may be placed on your computer, phone or other Internet device to provide us with aggregated data of the usage of this site and the mediums which are driving traffic to the site. The data gathered by these is aggregated and therefore your individual usage of this site cannot be attributed to you.

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Cookies may be placed upon your computer, phone or other Internet device in order to provide essential site features such as allowing you to compare different cars in stock and complete enquiry forms quickly.

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The site may also use Cookies for certain complimentary purposes such as showing you the car that you last looked at on the home page. All these functions are designed to improve your experience of using the site. If you don't want this site to place Cookies on your device you can disable these using your Internet Browser settings.

Advertising with Cookies
Our website uses cookies/advertising IDs for the purpose of advertising. This enables us to show our advertisements to visitors who are interested in our products on partner websites, apps and emails. Re-targeting technologies use your cookies or advertising IDs and display advertisements based on your past browsing behaviour. You can opt-out of interest based advertising by visiting the following websites:
We may share data, such as technical identifiers derived from your registration information on our website or our CRM system with our trusted advertising partners. This allows them to link your devices and/or environments and provide you a seamless experience across the different devices and environments that you use.